Both PHP and Python are languages ubiquitous in web development. This is for a reason as both languages have their merits and history behind them. Today, however, we want to look at 5 incredible PHP alternatives that aren’t Python.
Using different languages can be extremely beneficial in the long run and that is why these PHP alternatives will help you out. As you get experience in new ones, you get practice thinking in new ways and building from different perspectives. Even if you eventually fall back on your regular language, you can bring what you learned with you, or even integrate the two together to make a stronger base of code.
The list below is in no particular order but does show our top options to use if you want to break away from the “standard” languages. Each has its own advantages, but none truly outclass another.
1. C# for Ultimate Windows Compatibility
If you intend to write for Windows-based applications, this language can be a great choice. It is related heavily to how Microsoft writes .NET and is easy to use on any of their machines. You can of course still use it for other operating systems as well, and the documentation is easy to find. It is a truly unique alternative to PHP.
One large advantage it has over PHP and Python is that when coding on a Windows OS, you do not need any external libraries. Having a “home base” of sorts for one of the world’s leading systems is very helpful and something third-party languages can’t do.
2. Ruby for Speed and Prototyping
If you are looking for speed in your PHP alternative language, then Ruby is for you. Especially when paired with the Rails framework, this language can create testable prototypes and environments quickly. If you want to test concepts and be able to show them off fast, Ruby on Rails has just the sort of speed you need.
Ruby is also one of the preferred languages for e-commerce websites because of its speed and how easy it is to expand upon. PHP may have a low barrier of entry, but Ruby will win the development race.
3. Js If you Want to Build Something Interactable
For a smooth and reactive website, Javascript could be your answer. While not in the limelight, Js can do some spectacular things with the Node.Js server-side environment. As mentioned above, it can help you make interactive websites that naturally draw in customers. With prompts and other activities, Js gives you the freedom to create something very effective.
Like PHP, Node.Js is focused solely on web development and has already been downloaded on many machines. This makes it easy to access for both you and your customers. And if you somehow don’t have it, it is an open-source language.
4. Golang for the Lowest Entry Barrier
If you already know one language and don’t want to spend all of your time learning a new one, Golang is a great option. It is purposefully built with weight in mind and works off of simple, small commands.
You can also scale the language well into large applications due to its parallel, concurrent build methodology. Being the language created by Google, success was expected, and Golang performs like a professional.
One final reason it is a good PHP alternative is that Golang has its use for building cloud structures and support as opposed to being solely focused on web development like PHP.
5. Java for a Clean Development
Known for being a structured and purposeful coding language, Java is our final PHP alternative suggestion. It is a good catch-all language overall. Java travels well to other OS, can do more than just direct web development, and has large libraries available.
Overall, Java is slower than PHP because of the care one must put into writing in Java, but you get a fast and robust language in return that can mold to many frameworks. The community for this language is particularly active, so if you come up with a question you can have it answered quickly.
Not sure Where to Look?
With all of these different languages, you may not see a clear winner for you, and that’s ok!
If the choice is too much, or you simply want to begin in the right direction, we can help. With WillDom, you can build a team quickly, made up of professionals ready to help. On our site, we can help you out with a team ready to work with PHP alternatives that can bring your site to life. Use the contact form on that page to start forming your perfect team today!
There isn’t a real winner among the PHP alternatives. This is of course not to say that PHP wins, or that Python is its only competition. What this does show is the breadth of options you have in web development. You can almost pick a different language for each project depending on your needs at the time because of how diverse they all are. The answer comes down to what you need, what you are willing to learn, and how you want to work.
If you are still lost on which language to choose, try going to our website for more tips and news about development. You can also follow and contact us on LinkedIn for more content and stories.